The objective of teaching gross anatomy is to ensure that the student is well equipped with basic knowledge in comparative and functional aspects of structures in domestic ruminants, the dog and cat, horse, pig, the domestic chicken and fish to help in understanding other courses such as physiology, radiology, pathology, surgery and medicine. The course will cover general introduction to gross anatomy and anatomical terminology, basic concepts including specimen preparation and techniques in gross anatomy. Body cavities, structural and functional anatomy of body systems- musculoskeletal (including joints), integumentary, respiratory and circulatory (cardiovascular and lymphatic) systems will be taught.
Reading List
Dyce, R.M., Sack, W.O. and Wensing, C.J.G. (2002). Textbook of Veterinary Anatomy. Elsevier Science, Health Science Division.
Frandson, R.D. (1986). Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals. Lee and Febiger.
King, A.S. and McLelland, J. (1984). Birds: Structure and Function. Baillière Tindall London,
Nickel, R., Schummer, A. and Seiferle, E. (1987). Textbook of the Anatomy of Domestic Animals. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin.
McCracken, T.O., Kainer, R.A. and Spurgeon, T.L. (1999). Spurgeon’s Colour Atlas of Large Animal Anatomy: The Essentials. Blackwell Pub. Professional.