School of Veterinary Medicine
College of Basic and Applied Sciences
University of Ghana. P.O. Box LG 68
Legon, Accra.
Tel (+233) 0553121524
Ph.D, University of Nairobi, Kenya. Vet Clinical Studies 2015
M.Phil, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science & Technology (KNUST) Kumasi, Ghana. Pharmacology and Toxicology 2008
DVM, Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, Nigeria. Vet Medicine 1994
1. BANGA-Africa Proposal Writing Workshop: University of Ghana Legon, Accra Ghana. January 10-12, 2018
2. Scientific Communication and Publishing Course. Training Centre in Communication, Nairobi, Kenya at the University of Nairobi, Chiromo Campus, 26th -30thAugust, 2013.
3. Transdisplinary Research for Resource Efficiency and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (TRECCAfrica). “Research issues and questions for transdisciplinary research course” – “Winter School”. University of Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch, South Africa, 4th – 8th August, 2012.
4. Transdisplinary Research for Resource Efficiency and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (TRECCAfrica). “A transdisciplinary approach to complex societal issues”-“Summer School”. University of Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch, South Africa, 3rd -14th March 2013.
5. Workshop for newly appointed academic staff on “Effective teaching methods and assessment procedures”. Quality Assurance Unit, University of Ghana, Legon. 16th – 20th January, 2012.
6. Regional (AFRA) Training Course on Follow up on Reproductive performance of AI female and their Calves. Gaborone, Botswana, 1st – 6th September, 2008.
7. Regional (AFRA) Training Course on Data Collection, Organization, Analysis and Associated software, Gaborone, Botswana, 26 – 30 May, 2008.
8. Avian Flu School and Poultry Health Workshop. University of Ghana, Legon. 10th – 13th July, 2007.
1. Transdisplinary Research for Resource Efficiency and Climate Change Adaptation in Africa (TRECCAfrica) Mobility Scholarship Award for Ph.D programme, College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, University of Nairobi, Kenya. August, 2012 – July, 2015.
2. A.G. Leventis Ph.D Research Scholarship (for Ph.D research), College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon. September, 2012 – July, 2014.
3. Regional (AFRA) Training Course on Follow up on Reproductive performance of AI female and their Calves. Gaborone, Botswana, 1st – 6th September, 2008.
4. Regional (AFRA) Training Course on Data Collection, Organization, Analysis and Associated software, Gaborone, Botswana, 26 – 30 May, 2008.
1. Senior Lecturer - 2015 to date, School of Veterinary Medicine, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon.
Duties – Teaching of Large Animal Surgery, Anaesthesiology and practical clinical instructions to fourth, fifth and sixth year (DVM 4, 5 and 6) veterinary students. Large animal clinical practice at Veterinary Teaching Hospital, University of Ghana, Legon. Teaching of Special Anatomy to MPhil students, School of Agriculture. Also supervising student theses and research project work of undergraduate and graduate students
2. Lecturer - 2011- 2015, School of Veterinary Medicine, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon.
Duties - Lecture and laboratory instruction in Animal management and welfare; Veterinary Gross Anatomy I and 2, and Anatomy dissection practical.
3. Senior Research Scientist (Veterinary), June 2009 - December 2010. CSIR-Animal Research Institute, Accra, Ghana.
Duties - Research into farm animal and poultry diseases, epidemiology and surveillance of animal diseases. Highly Pathogenic Avian influenza (HPAI) surveillance; evaluation and monitoring poultry sector performance after Highly Pathogenic Avian influenza (HPAI) outbreaks. Teaching and extension of animal health technologies to livestock and poultry farmers. Veterinary practice at CSIR- ARI Veterinary Clinic at Achimota.
4. Research Scientist (Veterinary), April 2003 - May 2009. CSIR-Animal Research Institute, Accra, Ghana.
Duties - Research into farm animal and poultry diseases; developing, teaching and extension of animal health technologies to livestock and poultry farmers. Veterinary practice at CSIR-ARI Veterinary Clinic at Achimota.
5. District Veterinary Officer (DVO), December, 1997- March, 2003 Veterinary Services Department (VSD), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), Builsa District, Sandema. Upper East Region.
Duties – Clinical management of large and small animal medical and surgical cases with the emphasis on companion and food animals; report on all veterinary activities in the District to the Head Office of the Veterinary Services Directorate. In-charge of all the veterinary public health programmes in the District; advices the chief Veterinary Officer (CVO) on the veterinary situation in the Builsa District including the control of movement of livestock in and out of the District.
7. Animal Health Specialist, September, 1998-July, 2002. Ministry of Food and Agriculture (M.O.F.A), Sandema, Upper East Region.
Duties - Trainer of Community Livestock Workers (CLW), Builsa District, Upper East Region under the National Livestock Services Project (NLSP) and IFAD/LACOSREP Project.
8. Veterinary Officer (National Service), October, 1995- July, 1997. Veterinary Services Department (VSD), Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), Tamale, Northern Region.
Duties - Clinical management of large and small animal medical and surgical cases with the emphasis on companion animals and dairy cattle; on-call emergency duties.
1. Acting Dean, School of Veterinary Medicine, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon. August, 2021 till date
2. Coordinator, Large Animal Clinical Services (LACS), School of Veterinary Medicine, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon. August, 2017 –July 2021.
3. Coordinator, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, School of Veterinary Medicine, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon. September, 2015- July, 2017.
4. Head, Animal Health and Reproductive Physiology Division (AHRPD), CSIR-Animal Research Institute, Achimota, Accra. March, 2009 - December, 2010.
5. Supervisor, Animal Research Institute, Veterinary Clinic, Achimota, Accra. April, 2003 - March, 2010.
6. District Veterinary Officer (DVO), Veterinary Services Department (VSD), MOFA, Builsa District, Sandema, Upper East Region. January, 2007- March, 2003.
Course taught at the School of Veterinary Medicine and School of Agriculture, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana.
Course Title Course code Level Date
1. Introduction to Animal health ANIM 021 Dip Yr. 1 2015 – 2019
2. Disease of Farm animals ANIM 031 Dip Yr. 3 2015 – 2020
3. Introduction to Surgery VCLS 412 Level 400 2015 – date
4. Anaesthesia and Intensive care VCLS 413 Level 400 2015 – date
5 Animal Health and Physiology ANIM 418 Level 400 2016 – 2019
6. Surgery Clinics 1 VCLS 513 Level 500 2015 – date
7 Surgical Exercises VCLS 604 Level 600 2015 – date
8. Operational Surgery VCLS 605 Level 600 2015 - date
9. Surgery Clinic 11 VCLS 611 Level 600 2015 – date
10. Special Anatomy VCLS 619 Level 600 2017 – 2021
1. Ph.D Thesis: Prevalence and effects of indigestible rumen foreign bodies in Sheep and Goats. PhD thesis, University of Nairobi, Kenya (2015).
2. M.Phil. Thesis: Toxicological Evaluation of Cryptolepis sanguinolenta, Momordica charantia and Euphorbia hirta in Rats. M.Phil. thesis, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST), Kumasi, Ghana (2008).
1. Large Animal Surgery and Medicine.
2. Diary Animal Practice
3. Diagnostic imaging in veterinary practice
4. Toxicology of medicinal plants for use in veterinary practice.
Refereed Journal Articles
1. F. Y Obese, R. Osei-Amponsah, H. R Otsyina, and E. Bekoe (2022). Mitigating the Impact of Covid-19 on Ghana’s Livestock Industry: The Role of Stakeholders. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences. Vol 4 (3): 77- 80
2. Shaban S., *Kyei F., Awuni J., Danquah A., Odoom T. , Teye M. , Otsyina H.R.,Tawiah –Yingar D.N.Y., Ababio P.T., Emikpe B.O (2021). Is There Cross-Species Transmission to Pigs of Avian Influenza Virus Within Poultry Farms with Previous Outbreak of Avian Influenza? Africa. Journal of Biomedical Research. Vol. 24 (3): 333- 338
3. Otsyina, H R., Nguhiu-Mwangi, J., Mogoa, EGM., Mbuthia, PG and Ogara, W.O (2018). Effect of ruminal plastic bags on haematological and biochemical parameters of sheep and goats. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol. 53: 5-16.
4. Otsyina, H R., Nguhiu-Mwangi, J., Mogoa, EGM., Mbuthia, PG and Ogara, W.O (2018). Knowledge, attitude, and practices on usage, disposal and effect of plastic bags on sheep and goats. Tropical Animal Health and Production. DOI 10.1007/s1250-018-1523-9.
5. Otsyina H.R., Nguhiu-Mwangi, J., Mogoa E.G.M., Mbuthia P.G and Ogara W.O (2017). Effect of ruminal plastic bags on wellbeing of Goats. Bulletin of Animal Health and production in Africa, 65: (3) 435- 477.
6. Otsyina H.R., Nguhiu-Mwangi, J., Mogoa E.G.M., Mbuthia P.G and Ogara W.O (2017). Gross and histo-pathologic findings in Sheep with plastic bags in the rumen. International Journal of Veterinary Science and Medicine, 5: (2) 152- 158. ttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijvsm.2017.08.005
7. Otsyina, H R., Nguhiu-Mwangi, J., Mogoa, EGM., Mbuthia, PG and Ogara, W.O (2017). Clinical manifestations in sheep with plastic bags in the rumen. Ghana Journal of Science. Vol. 57: 35-45.
8. Otsyina H.R., Nguhiu-Mwangi, J., Mogoa E.G.M., Mbuthia P.G and Ogara W.O (2017). Gross and histo-pathologic findings in goats with plastic bags in the rumen. Science and Development, 1(1) 45 -58
9. Otsyina, H. R (2016). Dairy Cow Health. In Holistic Quality Dairy Production for Smallholder Farmers and Processors in Ghana. Diary Technology Center Project. Yen- Timtim publishers, Accra Ghana. Pp 57 -74.
10. K. G. Aning and H. R. Otsyina (2015). Controlling Infectious Bursal Disease in Commercial Chicken Flocks in Ghana: Challenges and Successes. In Gertrude Aboagye et al. Eds: Readings on Some Key Issue in Animal Science in Ghana. University of Ghana readers, pp 167-182.
11. Otsyina, H. R., Nguhiu-Mwangi, J., Mogoa, E. G.M., Mbuthia, P. G and Ogara W. O (2015). Prevalence of Indigestible Rumen Foreign Bodies in Sheep and Goats at Dagoretti and Kiserian Abattoirs, Kenya. International Journal of Veterinary Medicine 4 (2) 75-80.
12. Otsyina, H. R., J. Nguhiu-Mwangi., E. G. M. Mogoa, P. G. Mbuthia and W. O. Ogara (2014): A Retrospective Study on the Prevalence of Plastic Materials in the Rumen of Sheep and Goats in Nairobi, Kenya. Bulletin of Animal Health and production in Africa, 62: (3) 197- 205.
14. Dundon, W.G., Adombi, C.1., Waqas, A., Otsyina, H. R, Arthur, C.T., Silber, R., Loitsch A. and Diallo, A (2014). Full genome sequence of a Peste des Petits Ruminants virus (PPRV) from Ghana. Virus Genes (doi: 10. 1007/s11262-014-1109-1) (24 August, 2014).
14. M. Ayim-Akonor, F.Y. Obese, C. Arthur, D. D. Owusu-Ntumy and H. R. Otsyina (2014). Molecular detection and differentiation of Peste des Petits Ruminant virus and Rinderpest virus in sheep and goats with PPR-like symptoms in Dangme West District of Ghana. International Journal of Current Research and Academic Review. 2: (6) 197 – 205.
15. Otsyina, H. R., Arthur, C.T, Ayim-Akunnor, M and Obese, F. Y (2013). Sero-prevalence of Pestes des Petits Ruminants (PPR) in Sheep, Goats and Cattle in Ghana. Bulletin of Animal Health and production in Africa 61: (3) 473-479.
16. Otsyina, H. R., C. Ansah., M. Duwiejua., E. Woode., F. A. Aboagye and K. G Aning (2013). Effect of aqueous extract of Euphorbia hirta on haematological and biochemical parameters of Sprague Dawley rats. Bulletin of Animal Health and production in Africa 61: (1) 49 – 55.
17. Otsyina, H. R., J. Amakye-Anim., A. Osei-Somuah and K. G. Aning (2012). Improving the control of Gumboro disease in Commercial Poultry in Ghana: Viral isolation and Vaccine Trial studies. Journal of the Commonwealth Veterinary Association. 28: (1) 18 - 22.
18. K.G Aning., H. R. Otsyina., A. Osei-Somuah and J Amakye-Anim (2011). A vaccination regime against very virulent infectious bursal disease in commercial chicken in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol 44, 25-31.
19. H. R. Otsyina., J Amakye-Anim and K.G Aning. (2009). Protective efficacy of commercial live vaccines against very virulent Infectious Bursal Disease in Ghana. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health. Vol. 1(2) pp. 023-027.
20. H. R. Otsyina., J. Amakye-Anim., K.G. Aning and A. Osei-Somuah (2009). An epidemiological study of outbreaks of Gumboro Disease in Ghana in 2002 – 2003. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol. 42, 141-147.
21. H. R. Otsyina., C. Ansah., M. Duwiejua, E.Woode, F.A. Aboagye and K.G Aning (2008). Acute and Subacute Toxicity Studies of the Aqueous Extract of the Leaves of Momordica Charantia (linn) selected for animal use in Ghana. Journal of the Ghana Science Association 10: (1) 59 - 68.
22. H. R. Otsyina and R Baiden (2006). Health management programme for small ruminants under village production system. The Savanna Farmer 7:1, 7-9.
23. C. Ansah., H. R. Otsyina., M. Duwiejua, E.Woode, F.A. Aboagye and K.G Aning (2009). Toxicological evaluation of Cryptolepis Sanguinolenta (linn) selected for veterinary use in Ghana. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Health. Vol. 1(1) pp 011-016.
24. J. Amakye-Anim., H. R. Otsyina., K.G. Aning and A. Osei-Somuah (2008). Isolation and Characterization of Ghanaian Infectious Bursal Disease Virus (IBDV) field strain and pathotypes. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science. Vol. 41: (2) 167-172.
25. Baiden, R.Y., Rhule, S.W.A., H.R. Otsyina., Sottie, E. T and Ameleke, G.Y (2007). The performance of West African Dwarf sheep and goats fed varying levels of cassava pulp as a replacement for cassava peels. Livestock Research for Rural Development 19 (3).
26. E.K. Adu., H.R. Otsyina., A.D Agyei. (2005). The efficacy of different dose of levels of Albendazole for reducing faecal egg counts in naturally infected captive grasscutters, Thryonomys swinderianus, Temmink. Livestock Research for Rural Development 17 (11).
27. A. Osei-Somuah., H. R. Otsyina., C.T. Arthur., P.W.K Nartey and V. Hammond (2005). Microbial Quality of Table Eggs Sold on Selected Markets in Accra. Journal of Commonwealth Veterinary Association. 21: (2) 27-30.
28. A. Osei-Somuah., A.D. Agyei., H.R. Otsyina and S.G. Kumi. (2004). Stomach Impaction of Sheep with Plastic Materials. Bulletin of Animal Health and production in Africa 52: 212-214.
1. S.Y Annor., E.K Adu., J. Donkor., H. R. Otsyina and J. Ahiaba (2009). Grasscutter Production: A Handbook. GTZ/MOFA, Accra.
1. Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI): Feed the future Innovation Lab for Genomics to improve Poultry (GIP) Phase 11(USAID/ University of Ghana) Project, 2018 - 2023
2. Team Leader: International Atomic Energy agency (IAEA) Coordinated Research Project on Control of Pestes des Petit Ruminants (PPR) in Ghana, 2008 - 2012
3. Team Member: Improving the control of Gumboro Disease in chickens in Ghana- Epidemiological, virus isolation, and vaccine trail studies. CSIR/AgSSIP Project. No ARI/NR10/02. 2004 - 2010
4. Team Member: Herbal Medicine in Livestock Development: Producing Medicaments for Sheep and Goat Diseases. CSIR/AgSSIP project. Competitive Research Grant Scheme. (CARGS No 019), 2005 -2010
5. Team Member: USAID/ILRI/MoFA Ghana Peri-Urban Dairy TARGET Project
1. Member, Business and Executive Committee (BEC), University of Ghana, 2020 -to date
2. Member, Academic Board, University of Ghana, 2015 - to date.
3. Member, Academic Board College of Basic and Applied Science, University of Ghana 2015 - to date
4. College Representative, Academic Board, College of Health Science, University of Ghana 2018 to date.
5. Member, Examination Malpractice Committee, College of Basic and Applied Science, University of Ghana 2018 to date.
6. Member, Strategic Planning Committee, College of Basic and Applied Science, University of Ghana – 2017
7. Member, Research Board - College of Basic and Applied Science, University of Ghana, 2018 - to date
8. Member, School Management Committee (SMC), School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ghana 2015 - to 2020.
1. Veterinary Council of Ghana (VCG).
2. Veterinary Council of Nigeria (VCN).
3. Ghana Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA).
4. Commonwealth Veterinary Association (CVA).
5. Ghana Society of Animal Production (GSAP).
6. Ghana Association of Animal Science (GAAS).
7. Ghana Science Association (GSA).
1. President, Ghana Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA), November, 2018 –2020
2. Council Member, Veterinary Council of Ghana. November 2018 - to present.
3. Assistant Secretary, Ghana Veterinary Medical Association (GVMA) November, 2008 to March, 2011.
4. Vice - President Research Staff Association (RSA). CSIR-ARI. October 2006 to September 2008.
5. Vice Chairman, Animal Research Institute Credit Union, November 2007 to 2011
6. Council Member, Veterinary Council of Ghana. April, 2008 - March, 2010.
7. Member, Accreditation Committee (AC), Veterinary Council of Ghana. April, 2008 – March 2011.
8. Editor, Proceedings of the 3rd West Africa Regional Commonwealth Veterinary Association Conference and 16th Ghana Veterinary Association Congress. November 2006.
9. Editor, Newsletter of the Ghana Veterinary Medical Association. 2006 - 2008.
10. Supervision of Under-graduate students from various the universities in Ghana on industrial attachment at the Animal Research Institute. 2004 to 2010.
11. Supervision of National Service personnel posted to ARI - Animal Health section of the AHRPD, CSIR-ARI. 2004 - 2010.