Dr.Ben Enyetornye is an assistant lecturer at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ghana, Legon. He obtained a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree and a masters of philosophy in microbiology and immunology from University of Ghana, Legon. He worked as a Veterinary officer at the Small Animal Teaching Hospital and a research assistant on a USAID sponsored project titled “Feed the future Innovation labs for genetics to improve poultry”. He has since developed keen interest in researching on avian diseases with special focus on pathogenesis of velogenic Newcastle disease in quails, identification of genetic markers which could be used as basis for selection for natural resistance against velogenic Newcastle disease in local chickens, antimicrobial resistance in food animals and other topics related to general veterinary pathology.
Academic Qualification
MPhil, University of Ghana
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ghana
Professional Membership
Ghana Veterinary Medical Association
Acheampong, O. D., Enyetornye, B., & Osei, D. (2021). Polymicrobial Necrotizing Fasciitis in a Dog: The Involvement of Macrococcus caseolyticus, Proteus mirabilis, and Escherichia coli. Case Reports in Veterinary Medicine, 2021.
Enyetornye B, Kelvin DC, Dominic O, Alfred AA, Boniface KB, George A K, Francis D, Habib MR (2020). Pathology and transmission of experimental velogenic newcastle disease (ND) virus in the japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) Indian J Vet Pathol 44(4): 245-251.
Tudeka C.K, Kayang B.B, Aning K.G, Naazie A, Botchway P.K, Amuzu-Aweh E.N, Enyetornye B, Sarkwa F.O, Kelly, Galardo T.R, Zhou R, Fiadzomor D (2019). Response of three Ghanaian local chicken ecotyopes to mesogenic and velogenic Newcastle Disease virus challenge. 7th all Africa Conference on Animal Agriculture.pp 74.
Sop Foka, E. I., Yamssi, C., Enyetornye, B., Noumedem Anangmo, C., Mbida, M., & Mayaka, T. B. (2021). Reduction of Ascaridia galli Pathology by Salmonella typhimurium in Broiler Chicken. Journal of Parasitology Research, 2021.
Enyetornye, B., Abbiw, K.R., Abubakar, A.R., Asare-Dompreh,K., Bamfo, B., Gathumbi, K.P. and Rahman,H.M. Seminoma in a cryptorchid poodle dog- A case report (2021). Indian J. Vet. Pathol.,45(2): 142-144.
Enyetornye, B., R. K. Abbiw, E. Kodua, E.I.S. Foka, K.N. Ahia, M.H. Rahman and A. Prasad, 2021. A report on Staphylococcus sciuri associated pneumonia and septicemic shock in grasscutters (Thryonomys swinderianus). Asian J. Anim. Vet. Adv., 16: XX-XX.
Mia, S., Kabir, R., Ahmad, N., Enyetornye, B., Dei, H. K., Asare, G. A., Anning, G. K., Hossain, M., Nooruzzaman, M., Ara-Begum, J., Rahman, M. H. (2021). An investigation on faecal N and lipid excretions in growing broilers fed false yam (Icacina oliviformis) tuber meal. Journal of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine, 6(5), 176-18
Blog Articles
Enyetornye Ben and Adjiri-Awere A. (2020, May 2). Combating Antibiotic Resistance in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production with Antibiotic Substitutes (Part 3). The Custodian. Retrieved from https://thecustodianghonline.com/combating-antibiotic-resistance-in-veterinary-medicine-and-animal-production-with-antibiotic-substitutes-part-3/
Enyetornye Ben and Adjiri-Awere A. (2020, April 24). Combating Antibiotic Resistance in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production with Antibiotic Substitutes (Part 2). The Custodian. Retrieved from https://thecustodianghonline.com/combating-antibiotic-resistance-in-veterinary-medicine-and-animal-production-with-antibiotic-substitutes-part-2/
Philip Augustine Tsagli, Ben Enyetornye, Stanley Opong, Kennedy Afetorgbor (2020, April 24) Impact of Covid-19 on education in Ghana. The Custodian. Retrieved from https://thecustodianghonline.com/impact-of-covid-19-pandemic-on-education-in-ghana/
Adjiri-Awere A., Enyetornye B., Acheampong D. O., Abbiw R. K., Yeboah B. K., Bondzi Wi-Afedzi J., Osei D. (2020, April 24). Significance of the Veterinary Services in the Covid-19 era. The Daily Graphic, p08
Enyetornye Ben and Adjiri-Awere Alfred. (2020, April 23). Combating Antibiotic Resistance in Veterinary Medicine and Animal Production with Antibiotic Substitutes (Part 1). The Custodian. Retrieved from https://thecustodianghonline.com/combating-antibiotic-resistance-in-veterinary-medicine-and-animal-production-with-antibiotic-substitutes-part-1
Adjiri-Awere A., Enyetornye B., Acheampong D. O., Abbiw R. K., Yeboah B. K., Bondzi Wi-Afedzi J., Osei D. (2020, April 16). Maintaining a Steady Animal Production During The Covid-19 Pandemic. The Custodian, Retrieved from https://thecustodianghonline.com/maintaining-a-steady-animal-production-during-the-covid-19-pandemic/
Adjiri-Awere A., Enyetornye B., Acheampong D. O., Abbiw R. K., Yeboah B. K., Bondzi Wi-Afedzi J., Osei D. (2020, April 15). General Information on Covid-19. The Custodian. Retrieved from https://thecustodianghonline.com/general-information-on-covid-19/
Gardening, Animal rearing, playing handball