Academic qualifications and Trainings
Ph.D. (Major: Epidemiology; Minor: Public Administration)
Master of Science in Veterinary Public Health
Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine
a) Diagnosis of haemoprotozoan diseases with emphasis on Trypanosomiasis. International Laboratory for Research on Animal Diseases (ILRAD), Nairobi, Kenya. May 1-26, 1989.
b) Enzyme linked Immunosorbent Assay Technology for Trypanosomiasis diagnosis. ILRAD, Nairobi, Kenya. May, 27- June 10, 1989.
c) Epidemiological and Economic Investigation as a planning basis for Animal Health Programs. DSE/ZEL, Feldafing, Germany, July 11 August 4, 1991.
d) Appropriate strategies, system-oriented management and planning bases for the improvement of animal health in the tropics. DSE/ZEL, Germany, Nov 12-16 Dec. 1992
e) Trainer in Health Systems Research. Health Research Unit, Ministry of Health, Ghana. Feb 23-March 5, 1994.
f) Introduction to Quantitative Veterinary Epidemiology. ILRAD, Nairobi Kenya. August 7-12 1994
g) Summer Institute for African Agricultural Research, University of Wisconsin-Madison, June 11-30 1995
h) Continuing education seminar on Surveillance. Southern African Society for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Onderstepoort, South Africa, 22-23 July 2002.
i) International Course on Livestock and Environment Interactions, International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 14-29 November 2003
j) Learning ArcGIS Desktop for ArcGIS 9.0-9.1. ESRI Virtual Campus Courses, March-April 2007.
k) The 15 minute Map: creating a basic map in Arc Map. ESRI Virtual Campus Courses. April 2007
l) Learning ArcGIS 9 Spatial Analyst. ESRI Virtual Campus Courses. May 2007.
m) Geoprocessing with ArcGIS Desktop (for ArcGIS 9.0-9.1). ESRI Virtual Campus Courses. June 2007.
n) Learning ArcGIS 3D Analyst. ESRI Virtual Campus Courses. July 2007.
o) Higher Education Management Training Workshop; Association of African Universities at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration. 24 February-8 March 2008.
p) Senior Academic Leadership Training Workshop by National Council for Tertiary Education Ghana and Carnegie Corporation, USA at Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration, Accra. 18-23 March 2012.
q) University Administration Support Program Research Management and Leadership by George Mason University/Carnegie Corporation/IREX. Washington DC September 25 to November 4, 2016.
r) Cochran Fellowship Program. US Livestock Genetics and Farm Management organised by United States Department of Agriculture, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. September 28 to October 12, 2019.
Professional Membership and Affiliations
Fellow, Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
Areas of specialization and research interests
Veterinary Epidemiology/Veterinary Medicine/Veterinary Public Health
Grants / Honours/ Awards
Honorary Secretary, Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2017 – 2020.
1. Turkson P.K. (1986): Epidemiology of Campylobacter infection: a review. East African Medical Journal 63 (11) 687 692
2. Turkson P.K., Lindqvist K.J. and Kapperud G. (1988): Isolation of Campylobacter spp. and Yersinia enterocolitica from domestic animals and human patients in Kenya. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. & Immunol. Scand. (APMIS) 96 141 146.
3. Turkson P. K. and Osafo Adu, A. (1991): Evaluation of performance in broilers kept on prophylactic medication with coccidiostats. Revue Elev. Vet Med Pays trop. 44 491- 496
4. Turkson P. K. and Boadu D.Q. (1992): Epidemiology of bovine brucellosis in the coastal savannah zone of Ghana. Acta Tropica 52, 39-43
5. Turkson, P.K. (1993): Seroepidemiological Survey of Cattle trypanosomiasis in coastal savannah zone of Ghana. Acta Tropica 54, 73-76.
6. Turkson, P K. and Ahafia, K K (1994): A comparison of modified McMaster and Brumpt’s methods in assessment of nematode egg output in an N'dama cattle herd. Acta Tropica 57, 341- 344
7. Bosu W K, Edum-Fotwe E, Ahelegbe Doris, Bainson K A & Turkson P K (1997). Factors influencing attendance to immunization sessions for children in a rural district of Ghana. Acta Tropica 68, 259-267
8. Turkson P. K. and Brownie C F (1998): Financing the delivery of public-sector animal health services in Jamaica: pre- and post-privatization. Tropical Animal Health and Production 30, 331-339
9. Turkson P. K. and Brownie C F (1999): Financing animal health services delivery in developing countries: a case study of Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production 31, 33-44
10. Turkson P. K. and Brownie C F (1999): Perceived constraints to privatization of delivery of veterinary services in Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production 31, 103-114
11. Turkson P. K., Slenning B. D. and Brownie C F (1999): Perceptions of veterinarians regarding privatization of veterinary services delivery in Ghana and Jamaica. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 40, 221-232
12. Turkson P. K. and Botchey M (1999): Acaricide resistance in the cattle tick, Amblyomma variegatum, in the coastal savanna zone of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 32 199-204
13. Davies P R, Turkson P K, Funk J A, Nichols M A, Ladely S and Fedorka-Cray P J (2000): Comparison of methods for isolating Salmonella from feces of naturally infected pigs. J. Applied Microbiology 89 169-177
14. Turkson P (2000): Veterinary Services Privatization. We need better values. Spore 88 16
15. Turkson P. K. (2001): Implications of the liberalization of veterinary drug marketing in Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production 32 43-47.
16. Turkson P K (2002): Effect of human migration on epidemiology of animal diseases in Ghana. Oguaa Journal of Social Science 3, 155-164
17. Turkson P K and J Naandam (2002): Traditional veterinary knowledge and practices in northern Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 35, 121-128.
18. Turkson P K (2003): Profiles of veterinarians and veterinary practice in Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production 35, 321-340
19. Turkson P K and J Naandam (2003): Assessment of veterinary needs of ruminant livestock owners in Ghana. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 61, 185-194.
20. Turkson P K (2003): Lamb and kid mortality in village flocks in the coastal savannah zone of Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production 35, 477-490.
21. Naandam J and Turkson P K (2003): Understanding the perceptions of small ruminant farmers: a key to harnessing the small ruminant industry. Savanna Farmer 4, 19-20.
22. Naandam J and Turkson P K (2003): Some socio-economic trends in small ruminant production in northern Ghana. Savanna Farmer 4, 20-22.
23. Turkson P K, Y K Antiri and O Baffour-Awuah (2004): Risk factors for kid mortality in West African Dwarf goats under an intensive management system in Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production 36, 353-364
24. Turkson P K (2004): Promotion of private veterinary practice in Ghana: perceptions of veterinarians and veterinary technicians. Tropical Animal Health and Production 36, 413-425.
25. Turkson P K (2004): Perceptions of livestock owners on private veterinary practice in Ghana Tropical Animal Health and Production 36, 427-434.
26. Gebreyes W A, Davies P R, Turkson P K, Morrow W E M, Funk J A, and Altier C. (2004): Salmonella enterica serovars from pigs on farm and after slaughter and validity of using bacteriologic data to define herd Salmonella status. J. Food Protection 67, 691-697.
27. Gebreyes W A, Davies P R, Turkson P K, Morrow W E M, Funk J A, and Altier C. (2004): Characterization of antimicrobial resistance phenotypes and genotypes among Salmonella enterica recovered from pigs on farm, trucks and after slaughter. J. Food Protection 67, 698-705).
28. Turkson P K and Mahama Sualisu (2005): Risk factors for lamb mortality in Sahelian sheep on a breeding station in Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production 37, 49-64.
29. Turkson P K and Amakye-Ansah J (2005): Comparison of veterinary needs of ruminant livestock owners in livestock and non-livestock producing areas in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 38, 19-28
30. Turkson P K and J Naandam (2006): Constraints to ruminant production in East Mamprusi District of Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 39 (2) 155-164
31. Turkson P K (2008): Use of drugs and antibiotics in poultry production in Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 41 (1) 23-33
32. Turkson P K (2008). Client’s assessment of animal health care delivery in peri-urban Ghana. Revue scientifique et technique 27 (3) 731-740.
33. Turkson P K (2008). A comparison of delivery of veterinary services to small and medium-large scale poultry keepers in peri-urban Ghana. Revue scientifique et technique 27 (3) 719-730.
34. Turkson P K (2009). Client’s perceptions of delivery of veterinary services in peri-urban Ghana. Tropical Animal Health and Production 41 (1), 121-128
35. Turkson P K (2009). Client’s satisfaction with delivery of animal health services in peri-urban Ghana. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 90: 153-159 DOI:10.1016/jprevetmed.2009.04.012
36. Turkson P K (2009). Client satisfaction survey of health care delivery in rural Ghana using service quality measurement (SERVQUAL) approach. Ghana Social Science Journal vol 5 & 6 # 1 & 2 2008/2009 p217-235.
37. Turkson P K (2009). Perceived quality of health care delivery in a rural district of Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal 43 (2), 65-70
38. Turkson P K (2009): Participatory epidemiology as an innovative approach in animal health systems research. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 42 (1&2) 93-101
39. Turkson P K (2010). Animal health care delivery to small ruminants in peri-urban Ghana. Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science 43 (1&2): 45-53
40. Turkson P K (2011). Predictors of client satisfaction with delivery of animal health care services in peri-urban Ghana. Veterinary Medicine International doi.10.4061/2011/321369
41. Turkson P K and Ganyo E Y (2015) Relationship between haemoglobin concentration and packed cell volume in cattle blood samples. Onderstepoort Journal of Veterinary Research 82(1) Art #863 5 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.4102/ovjr.v82i1.863.
42. Kyei G, Ayi I, Boampong J N and Turkson P K. (2015) Seroepidemiology of Toxocara canis infection in children attending four selected health facilities in the Central Region of Ghana. Ghana Medical Journal 49 (2), 77-83
43. Turkson P K and Okike, I (2016) Assessment of practices, capacities and incentives of poultry chain actors in implementation of highly pathogenic avian influenza mitigation measures in Ghana. Veterinary Medicine and Science 2, 23-35, DOI:10.1002/vms3.15
44. Ganyo E Y, Boampong J N, Masiga D K, Villinger J, Turkson P K (2018). Haematology of N’Dama and West African Short Horn cattle herds under natural Trypanosoma vivax challenge in Ghana. F1000Research 7:314 (DOI:10.12688/f1000research.14032.1).
45. Turkson P K and Wi-Afedzi J (2020). Dog rabies in the western region of Ghana: Survey of knowledge, attitude, practices and perceptions. Journal of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences 3 (1), 14 pages
46. Turkson P K (2020). Promoting “One Health” as a paradigm shift in human and animal healthcare delivery for sustainable development. Guest Editorial. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 20 (7), 6 pages.
47. Kratzer R.D, Turkson P. K. Karanja W.M. (1988): Plasma levels of the trypanocidal drugs BERENIL, SAMORIN and ETHIDIUM in Boran steers. Paper 31/88. Proc.9th Ann. Med. Scientific Conf. KEMRI/KETRI 1-5 Feb 1988 Nairobi, Kenya p 259-263
48. Kratzer R. D., Turkson P. K., Karanja W. M., and Ondiek F. O. (1988): .: Pharmacokinetics and residues of diminazene aceturate, Isometamidium chloride and homidium bromide in steers. KJF WCT I,
49. Kratzer R. D., Turkson P. K., Karanja W. M., and Ondiek F. O. (1989): Studies in Cattle on the pharmacokinetics, residues and bioavailability of the anti trypanosomal drug Isometamidium. In: OAU/STRC. 20th meet ISCTRC, Mombasa, Kenya.10th to 14th April 1989. OAU / STRC Publication 115 p 354 360
50. Kratzer R, Turkson P. K, Ismail A, Omukuba J, and Cagnolati V. (1992): A comparison of intramuscularly induced plasma levels of diminazene aceturate (BERENIL), homidium bromide (ETHIDIUM), and isometamedium chloride (SAMORIN) in infected and uninfected cattle. IN IAEA: Tsetse control, diagnosis and chemotherapy using nuclear techniques. Proc. Seminar. Muguga, KENYA. 11-15 Feb 1991.(IAEA-TECDOC 634)
51. Turkson, P.K. (1992): The Practices and Problems of Rural Women Involved in Small Ruminant Production. Proc. WACVA/GVMA Conf.7-12 Sept.1992. Accra. p20-30.
52. Turkson, P.K. (1993): Drug and Chemical Residues in Livestock Production: The Attendant Problems and Dangers. Proc.6th Ann. Conf. Ghana Soc. Anim. Prod. p54-59
53. Turkson P K and Ahafia K K (1994): An alternative method to McMaster technique for nematode egg counts in cattle. Proc. Ghana Animal Science Assoc. Symp.22, 137-142
54. Wesley I V, McKean J, Turkson P, Davies P, Johnson S, Proescholdt T and Beran G (1998): Campylobacter spp and Yersinia enterocolitica in growing pigs in Iowa and North Carolina: a pilot study. Proc. Annual Meet Food Safety Consortium, Iowa State University, Ames, USA p141-150
55. Davies P R, Funk J A, Nichols M G, O’Carroll J M, Turkson P, Gebreyes W (1999): Effects of some methologic factors on detection of Salmonella in swine feces. Proc. 3rd International symposium on epidemiology and control of Salmonella in pork. p30-32.
56. Proescholdt T, Turkson P, McKean J, Davies P, Funk J Hurd S and Beran G (1999): Salmonella in commercial swine from weaning through slaughter. Proc. 3rd International symposium on epidemiology and control of Salmonella in pork. p161-164.
57. Turkson P K (2000): The public-private sector synergy in surveillance and control of transboundary animal diseases in Africa: does CBPP (Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia) offer an opportunity for the private sector? In: Reviving progressive control of CBPP (Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia) in Africa. Report; FAO/OIE/OAU/IAEA Consultative Group on Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP), Sess. 2 / FAO/OIE/OAU/IAEA Consultative Group on Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP), Rome (Italy), 2000, p. 105-110
58. Turkson P K (2002): Assessment of surveillance and control measures for Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia in Ghana. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Congress of Southern African Society of Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, p 62-71
59. Turkson P K (2005): Participatory epidemiology as an innovative approach in animal health systems research. Proceedings of the National Conference on Participatory Agricultural Research and Development. Tamale 9-13 May 2005. pp 99-108
60. Turkson P K and Frimpong-Apau, E (2006): Client’s perceptions of veterinary services delivery in Ashanti Region of Ghana. In: Aning K G and Otsyina H (eds). Proceedings of West African Commonwealth Veterinary Association/Ghana Veterinary Medical Association Conference, Accra, 20-24 November, 2006, p139-153
61. Turkson P K (2009): Qualitative Release Assessment for the Re-Introduction of HPAI H5N1 from Neighbouring Countries into Ghana. Controlling Avian Flu and Protecting Peoples Livelihood in Africa and Indonesia. HPAI Research Brief #19
62. Naandam J and Turkson P K (2010) Analysis of choice of ruminant to rear. Proc. 28th and 29th Ghana Animal Science Assoc. Conference 2006-2008. p 1-5
63. Turkson P K (2011) Climate change and emerging and re-emerging diseases in Africa. Invited plenary paper. In Oloyede (Ed). Climate change and sustainable development in Africa. Proceedings of 2nd University of Cape Coast and University of Ilorin, Nigeria Joint International Conference, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria May 1-5, 2011 page 283-295
1. Bosu W K, Edum-Fotwe E, Ahelegbe Doris, Bainson K A & Turkson P K (1994). A study into factors influencing immunization coverage in children aged 0-11 months in the KOMENDA-EDINA-EGUAFO-ABREM DISTRICT. Health Research Unit/Regional Health Administration, Ministry of Health, Cape Coast, Ghana.
2. Adam I, Turkson P K, Apori S O, Awuma K, Agbesinyale P and Micah J (1995): Study of traditional small ruminant production systems in two districts of Central Region, Ghana. Phase 1: Diagnostic Survey. National Agricultural Research Project, Accra Ghana
3. Davies P R, Funk J, Turkson P, O’Carroll J, Nichols M, Gebreyes W, Cray P, and Ladely S (1999): Effects of methods on the isolation of Salmonella from swine feces and the implications for design and interpretation of epidemiologic studies. Final report to the National Pork Producers Council, USA.
4. Wesley I, McKean J D, Turkson P K, Davies P, Johnson S, Proescholdt T and Beran G (1999). Campylobacter spp and Yersinia enterocolitica in growing pigs in Iowa and North Carolina. A pilot study. Iowa State University Swine Research Report, p191-196
5. Turkson P K (2000): Ghana: Agricultural Services Subsector Investment Programme. Policy support facility. Livestock Component. Consultancy report submitted to DFID/RLO. Ghana.
6. Turkson P K (2000): African Swine Fever in Ghana. Report of a consultation submitted to Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
7. Turkson P K (2001): Study on privatizing veterinary services delivery in Ghana. Report of a consultation commissioned by MOFA/DFID Policy Steering Facility Committee, Accra.
8. Turkson P K (2001): Epidemiosurveillance of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia in Ghana. Report of a consultation submitted to Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
9. Turkson P K (2001): Background study of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia in Ghana. Report of a consultation submitted to OAU-IBAR-PACE, Nairobi. December 2001.
10. Addo-Quaye A, Turkson P K, Akuamoah S, Kwarteng J K, Apori S, Sam-Amoah L K, Osei B A (2004). Consulting Services for review of curricula of Agricultural Training Institutions of Ministry of Food and Agriculture for affiliation to University of Cape Coast. Report submitted to Agricultural Services Subsector Investment Programme/The World Bank.
11. Turkson P K (2004): Epidemiosurveillance of Foot and Mouth Disease in Ghana. Report of a consultation submitted to Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome.
12. Turkson P K, Kwashie S T, Ekumah E K, Abu P and KEEA DHMT Team (2005): Improving quality of health care delivery in Komenda-Edina-Eguafo-Abrem District of Ghana. Published by Health Research Unit, Ghana. http://www.partnership-programmes.org/hrp/pdf/Turkson.pdf.
13. Aning K G, Turkson P K, Asuming-Brempong S (2008): Pro-poor HPAI Risk Reduction Strategies in Ghana - Background Paper. Africa/Indonesia Region Report, IFPRI, USA. 104p.
14. Kang’ethe E, Turkson P K, Randolph T R (2008). Public- private veterinary personnel partnership in diseases surveillance. Report of a consultation submitted to International Livestock Research Institute, Nairobi Kenya.
15. Turkson P K (2009): Qualitative Release Assessment of the Risk of Re-introduction of HPAI H5N1 Virus from Neighbouring Countries into Ghana via Cross-border Trade and Movement of Birds and People. Africa/Indonesia Region Report, IFPRI, Washington DC USA. 103p. Working paper #20.
16. Turkson P K, Okike I, Bett B and Randolph T (2010): Alignment of poultry sector actors with avian influenza control measures in Ghana. Africa/Indonesia Region Report, IFPRI, USA.
17. Daborn C and Turkson P K (2011). Final Evaluation of the EU-funded Avian Influenza Project Ghana. Final report submitted by AESA Consortium to Delegation of European Union, Accra Ghana October 2011
18. Turkson P K, Adebayo K, Khoja S and Chove B (2012) Evaluating the Impact and Sustainability of the DelPHE Programme, and Drawing Lessons for Future Schemes. DelPHE Country Case Studies Report. Association of Commonwealth Universities, London, UK
Office location
Small Animal Teaching Hospital, Haatso Road, University of Ghana.
a) In-country consultant with DFID/World Bank Appraisal Team for Agricultural sub-sector investment project (AgSSIP). Ghana. Sept. 1999
b) Consultant, Specialist support to Ministry of Agriculture livestock policy studies. DFID. May-June 2000.
c) National Consultant (Ghana)/African Swine Fever Eradication Expert, TCP/GHA/8925 (E), Food and Agriculture Organization, July -Aug 2000
d) Consultant, Study on Veterinary Services Privatization in Ghana. Sept 2000-Aug 2001, Accra. Ministry of Agriculture, Ghana/DFID United Kingdom.
e) National Consultant (Ghana): Coordinated programme to strengthen capacity for epidemiosurveillance of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia. TCP/RAF/0172 (T). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. May –July 2001
f) National Consultant: Study on Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia in Ghana. OAU-IBAR-PACE, Nairobi, Nov 2001
g) National Consultant (Ghana): Control of Foot and Mouth Disease in West Africa. Identification and characterization of strains of Foot and Mouth Disease virus circulating in the sub-region. TCP/RAF/2916 (T). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. Jan 2004.
h) Veterinary Specialist: Consulting Services for review of curricula of Agricultural Training Institutions of Ministry of Food and Agriculture for affiliation to University of Cape Coast. Funded under Agricultural Services Subsector Investment Programme by The World Bank. Sept 2003-Dec 2004.
i) Training needs Expert: Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication campaign (PATTEC) First meeting of Co-ordinators. African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 27-30 October 2006
j) Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) National Consultant (Ghana). Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. Sep-Dec 2007.
k) Project Consultant (Ghana): Pro-poor Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Reduction Strategies. Ghana Background Review Paper. IFPRI/ILRI Feb-Aug, 2008
l) Consultant. Building Public-Private partnerships to enhance disease surveillance component of USAID Animal Health Systems Project. ILRI, Nairobi, Kenya. August- Oct 2008
m) National Veterinary Epidemiology Expert (Ghana). Integrated Assessment of the Effect of Poultry Sector Institutions and Associated HPAI Mitigation Practices on HPAI. ILRI Nairobi, Kenya. Nov. 2008
n) Risk Assessment Facilitator, Ghana. Disease Risk Cluster, DFID-AI Project. Nov 2008-May 2009
o) Mitigations Analyst, Ghana. Institutions and Mitigations Cluster, DFID-AI Project. Nov 2009- April 2010
p) Team Veterinary Expert, AESA Consortium, Final Evaluation of EU-funded Avian Influenza Project, Ghana June 2011.
q) Country Consultant, Ghana. Monitoring and Evaluation of DelPHE programmes in Africa and Asia. British Council, UK/Association of Commonwealth Universities, UK. January to June 2012.
r) Consultant, Regional Zoonoses Strategy, The World Health Organisation /African Region, Brazzaville Congo 2-27 April 2013
s) National Consultant for Poultry, Project GCP/GLO/710/UK. FAO, Ghana. October 2018 to April 2019.
t) Country contact for Monitoring and Evaluation Data Collection Services in Ghana and Nigeria for Strategy Development. GALVmed (Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines) UK July 2019.
u) Country contractor for Project: Establish market need for a lateral flow CBPP Diagnostic Testing in Ghana. GALVmed (Global Alliance for Livestock Veterinary Medicines) UK September to October 2020.
v) Facilitator, In-Service Applied Veterinary Epidemiology Training organised by FAO Ghana, Koforidua 29 November to 1st December 2021.
Other Information
a) Internal assessor for MPhil./ MSc Theses in Animal Science Department, UCC 2000-2014.
b) External Assessor for MPhil Examinations/Theses, University of Ghana, 2006, 2008-9, 2011-2014
c) External Examiner for PhD thesis, Department of Animal Sciences, University of Ghana 2014
d) External Examiner for M Phil/PhD theses, Department of Clinical Microbiology, College of Health Sciences, KNUST, Kumasi Ghana 2012 - present
e) External Examiner for Animal Science Department, University of Ghana (2003-4, 2006-9; 2011-12, 2012-14)
f) External Assessor for promotions in Animal Research Institute of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (2002, 2004, 2009, 2010)
g) External Assessor for promotions in College of Agriculture and Consumer Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon, 2004, 2009.
h) External Assessor for promotions in University of Education, Winneba, 2003, 2008.
i) External Assessor for promotions in Noguchi Memorial Medical Research Institute of the College of Health Sciences, University of Ghana, 2006, 2010
j) External Assessor for promotion, University of Ibadan, 2010, 2019.
k) External Assessor for promotions in University for Development Studies, Tamale 2013
l) External Assessor for promotion, Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, College of Health Sciences, 2020.
m) Academic Review Panel for Teaching and Learning Innovation Fund (TALIF) of World Bank. National Council for Tertiary Education, Ghana. 2004-2006.
n) Member of International Jury for award of “Agronomie Ingeneur”, University d’Abomey-Calavi, Cotonou, Benin 2004, 2005.
o) Associate Editor, Quarterly Bulletin of Epizootiology and Animal Health in West Africa. 2009
p) Reviewer of proposals for Competitive Grant Awards under AgSSIP Project, 2003.
q) Reviewer, Ghana Medical Journal, 2006
r) Reviewer, Ghana Journal of Agricultural Science, (2000- to date).
s) Reviewer, Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 2011
t) Reviewer, Tropical Animal Health and Production, 2011
u) Reviewer, Archiva Journal, 2011
v) Reviewer, African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 2012- now
w) Reviewer, International Journal of Food Science 2013
x) Reviewer, BMC Veterinary Research 2015
y) Associate Editor, Veterinary Medicine and Science, 2017
z) Associate Editor, Tropical Veterinary Medicine 2019
aa) Editorial Board Member: One Health Bulletin 2020